Unlocking the "secrets" of the past to open the doors to the present...
In its formation, the Snyder Society would be a Kutztown University group of liberal arts students looking to bring the past into the present to create a better future. The society would be a revival of the Kutztown Chapter of the Philomathean Literary Society. We would host events such as KU ghost tours and historical homecoming tours.
Through investigating and discussing ideas such as the "mysterious" death of Mary Snyder, the society will look to break through the lines between myth and reality of KU’s past. The Snyder Society will propose hosting charitable events like a symbolic book walk and a scholarship awarded to a student who shows great creativity in short story writing. The society will be committed to improving and encouraging Kutztown's liberal arts students.
Philomathean Literary Society Artifacts, Kutztown University Rohrbach Library Archives, November 27, 2017. (Photo by Kathy Evans)
Keystone State Normal School-Model School and Auditorium, postcard, Rohrbach Library Archives. Kutztown, PA.